Saturday, November 22, 2008

These are my three pair of Macaws. Initially I purchase two pair of Green Wing from the birds importer. I select them through the way they perform the courtship dance. They stick close to each other and chase other macaw away, so I presume that they must be a pair. I had them house in a temporary cages and sent their blood for DNA test. When the result came back, I only had a pair and two females birds. The bird importer want to buy back the females from me because eighty percent of all his imported macaws are all male.

Friends have told me that Green Wing Macaw is hard to breed and the success rate is very very low.
I split up the two females and put them into cage one and cage three. The center cage house a beautiful pair of Green Wing Macaw. The male one is a very large bird. Later on I purchase two more Macaws ( Blue and Gold Macaw ) one from the bird importer and another through a close contact and put them in cage one and two.

The cages are specially order and made from a cage manufacturer in China. The material used is stainless steel. Stainless steel cage are durable and are easy to maintain. They can withstand daily washing. One thing that disappoint me is that the quality on some of the stainless steel rod is of a lower grade. They do form some rust stain on the rod. It can be clean by using a steel brush to brush away the stain.

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